Mission & Vision


Bethel exists to glorify God, point people to new life in Christ and help them follow Him as a way of life.

Therefore, everything we do - first - is for the glory of God, to praise Him, His work and submit to His will. Second, is designed to draw people to the free gift of eternal life, which comes only by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. And, having accepted Christ, Bethel seeks to train believers to, not only live as disciples of Jesus, but to make new disciples by pointing others to this free gift. 


The vision of Bethel Church is to see a community of disciples of Jesus in the Lake Region, who know God and actively, intentionally want to make Him known. 

Therefore, we individually and collectively strive to live as He lived and love as He loved, inspiring those around us to find new life in Him as well. We believe, as we imitate Christ, that people will see Him, want to know Him... and then inevitably want to make Him known.

Our Strategy

In order to make disciples like Jesus did, our aim is to encourage each person's "next step" with our Discipleship Pathway.